Monday, 28 March 2016

Hong Kong Jobs. Expat Jobs in Hong Kong.

I am living in Hong Kong for three years now and feel myself in a position to recommend a website that had helped me to change jobs three times.
The good thing about it - it is created specifically for expats looking for jobs.
Employers advertising on it are actually looking for English speakers, foreign experiences etc.
Now - the main obstacle between you and your Hong Kong job is the the visa situation. I've got my dependant visa based on my husband's employment - allowing me to work in Hong Kong. Majority of employers will look for you to have something like this - to save them a hustle providing a new visa. Although I do have examples of employers doing it as well - so just keep trying.
The thing to be said - there are plenty of positions in Hong Kong. You will definitely end up with something, never give up.

The website I want to recommend is

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