Saturday, 19 July 2014

Green Tea Latte / Matcha Latte

First time I tried it here in Hong Kong, as I had seen other people have something green and unusual in their cups. First sip tasted like broccoli soup :) Well, something to do with veggie taste anyway! But gradually I became a great fan of green tea latte. I believe this drink has Japanese origin, it is basically normal green tea but grade into powder. It makes it much smoother as a drink and much stronger for caffein content.
It is weird combination of green tea taste and milk. Though I really love it now both hot and cold.
Highly recommending to give it a try! Served in every coffee shop including Starbucks (too sweet for me..) and Pacific Coffee (perfect one!)
I have got some matcha from Japan for making it at home - easy, quick and delicious! I am sure you can find it to buy in Hong Kong as well.

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