Sunday, 1 June 2014

Hong Kong Science Park

Science Park is location of offices and shops right beside the sea with lovely promenade, cycling path, shops and convenient infrastructure. As a company you cannot simply rent an office in Science Park, there is some special commission, partially governmental, to approve your application. You activity should be related somehow to modern technology, physics, chemistry etc. So companies located here are all kind of in the same professional field. 
There is Pacific Coffee here, large lunch venue, supermarkets, banks and couple of restaurants for official or private events celebration. 
First time I had been here I was really impressed.. It feels like some space station or something space related.. like future came indeed closer.
We love it here and are spending fare amount of time in Hong Kong Science Park :)
There are all sorts of events held here including some public exhibitions etc.
Apart from other obvious advantages there are very little kids here and generally place is very civilized in terms of people's behavior. 

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